The very next time you’re doing your weekly shop you could soon grab a detailed 3D-printed miniature version of yourself together with your groceries. Asda has become the first supermarket in England to offer 3D printing services, with prices starting at £40, being 60 % cheaper than other retailers, it claims.
Anything can be scanned, including people and in some cases even cars, to generate to provide detailed digital models. These designs are then sent to a 3D printing factory that creates life like figures manufactured from high-quality ceramic. In a statement, Asda said: ‘Evolving well beyond simply filling frames with photographs of friends and family, 3D printed figures will add an entirely complete an entirely new dimension to shoppers’ mantelpieces.
The life like models are also anticipated to become popular as personalised wedding cake toppers, and you might even use a model of your loved ones or even your family pet.
To be able to create the 3D print, scanner cameras are moved around the subject covering the entire surface area. This takes a couple of minutes.The form is then recreated in 3D form by spraying ceramic fluid in thin layers to build up to develop in order to develop a solid object.
Figures are then printed and ready to and able to pick up during the shoppers’ next weekly shop. They are often manufactured in white or covered bronze-style coating.