Drying your resin before extruding is essential to ensuring optimum material performance and finish. We are well on the way to making this process accessible to our customers – introducing the Noztek Resin and Spool Dehydrator.

To get a consistent quality of the filament it is critically important to dry the resin to prepare it for the extrusion process. Moisture in the polymer will create steam pockets when extruded and this will ultimately have a negative effect on the filament and will affect the 3D prints.

When you extrude filament that is moist, that moisture vaporizes and creates air bubbles in the filament. This can break apart polymer chains, weakening the material, and weakening internal adhesion. It also leaves an undesirable surface finish.

With this in mind, Noztek has developed a touch screen drum based resin and spool dehydrator, coming soon to purchase online.

The process is simple. Pour resin pellets into the bespoke drum, configure the tesmperature/time settings and go. You can also remove the drum and place spools of filament onto the rotating bar.


Humidity sensor
Temperature setting
Humidity Sensor
Tumbler with tight mesh
Holds up to 4 spools

220V and 110V will be available

Find the Noztek Resin and Spool Dehydrator here